This week I am thrilled to have my friend and mentor Monna Wong on the show. Currently living in San Francisco with roots in New York, I met Monna when she was the Regional Field Director for marriage equality in Maine in 2012. Running the Portland field operation she grew the team to where by election day there were over 2,000 volunteers that walked through the Portland office alone in the final two weeks of the campaign. She shares with us some of her favorite moments, biggest struggles, and inspirations that keep her in the work. She hooked me into organizing and I continue to learn from Monna with virtually every interaction we have and this interview is no exception.
Monna has experience running and directing field operations for LGBTQ campaigns on Marriage Equality and Non-Discrimination, she was the Executive Director of API Equality of Northern California working to build LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander power, she has consulted on a myriad of projects and is currently a Partner in Special Projects at The Management center. She is also passionate about life and health and as a newish parent with her partner is constantly inspiring in her ability to prioritize the things she cares about most.
The Management Center – Monna is currently a partner at the Management center working in special projects. If you’re not familiar with the management center definitely check them and their trainings out, they have some incredible content for sure though trainings are not free. If you are looking for a more financially accessible way of checking out their content check out the book Managing to Change the World which is a great resource.